
Showing posts from February, 2016

Broken or Crushed: That is the question...

Brokenness that leads to repentance is necessary, and far better than the alternative. Matthew 21:44 (Just before this Jesus had described Himself as the Rock) "And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him." You, who willingly fall on the Rock of Ages (Jesus) will be broken.  You will see your sin for what it is and what He had to do for your forgiveness.  You will break on Him - the only one who can put you back together again THE WAY HE WANTS YOU TO BE. IF YOU REFUSE TO BE BROKEN the Rock of Ages will fall on you and you will be crushed into a fine powder - quite possibly to never be reassembled. Which will you choose? Choosing brokenness and repentance is tough.  It means you have to take an honest look at your own heart.  Most of us don't want to do this  because it means we may - and quite possibly will - have to admit we've been wrong at some point.  Not too many of us want to do that.