
Showing posts from August, 2017

What the world needs now is love...

I grew up in Memphis, TN. Home of the blues and the King of Rock & Roll - Elvis Presley.  I miss my family there. I miss seeing the fields of cotton and soy beans. I miss the food (though I'm glad I don't have it at my fingertips everyday). I miss the hospitality and charm.  What I don't miss is having an up close and personal view of real true racism every day. Until recent events many of my friends (who've never lived in the Deep South) thought racism was dead.  Oh if that were true, but sadly it is not.  Racism is a blight that spreads rapidly when fostered. Because that is what evil does. Yes, that's right. That's what I said...racism is evil. It is from the father of lies...our enemy - the Devil. If he can divide us...keep us from being unified...we'll never be able to march in force for the kingdom.  Racism has NO PLACE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and should never be fostered in the heart of any believer. Sadly, this isn't the case a lot of times. I

I am not my own...

In the book of Genesis we find the account of the life of a young man named Joseph.  He was one of the babies of the family.  A young man who was deeply loved by his father, and despised by his older brothers.  Joseph was a dreamer of dreams. Joseph dreamed of his brothers (and father and mother) bowing down to him.  As you can imagine, this made the brothers ANGRY when he shared it with them.  How dare he think he would ever be greater than them!!!  He was the runt of the litter - a young upstart that needed, to their way of thinking, be put in his place.  What they didn't think was that maybe - just maybe - it could have been God giving Joseph those dreams. So, the brothers hatched a plan.  They decided their best bet was do get rid of him altogether, so after much talk about what should be done they settled on selling him into slavery.  And off Joseph went with the slave traders to Egypt... Joseph, I'm certain, wouldn't have chosen to be sold into slavery and spend YEA