What the world needs now is love...

I grew up in Memphis, TN. Home of the blues and the King of Rock & Roll - Elvis Presley.  I miss my family there. I miss seeing the fields of cotton and soy beans. I miss the food (though I'm glad I don't have it at my fingertips everyday). I miss the hospitality and charm.  What I don't miss is having an up close and personal view of real true racism every day. Until recent events many of my friends (who've never lived in the Deep South) thought racism was dead.  Oh if that were true, but sadly it is not. 

Racism is a blight that spreads rapidly when fostered. Because that is what evil does. Yes, that's right. That's what I said...racism is evil. It is from the father of lies...our enemy - the Devil. If he can divide us...keep us from being unified...we'll never be able to march in force for the kingdom.  Racism has NO PLACE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and should never be fostered in the heart of any believer. Sadly, this isn't the case a lot of times. I know...I saw it play out in front of me regularly when I was growing up.  

We cannot forget we are in a fight against an enemy whose goal is to steal, kill and destroy.  We must guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23) against him. We must love our neighbors - that is EVERYONE - as ourselves (Mark 12:31). We must value others above ourselves (Philippians 2:3).  We must remember that through Christ we are all equal (Galatians 3:28).  We must remember that the only way the world can know who we belong to (Jesus, our Lord) is by our love for one another (John 13:35).  

Jesus told us to love each other (John 13:34).  Actually, He commanded us to.  It is not an option.  How will we ever be able fulfill another commandment given us, THE GREAT COMMISSION - to go and make disciples of ALL nations - if we don't love our neighbor as ourselves...if we don't care that they could spend an eternity in hell? 

Racism is a heart issue...not a color issue.  And it's BIG. 

Because it's so big, do we get exempted from trying to "fix" it?  I mean, "what could one person do?" 

This is what I've taught my boys:


Where there is hate...share love.
Where the enemy has spread lies...speak truth. 
Where there is division...foster unity. 

And above all...share JESUS. It is only through Him that this world will ever be able to break free from the bondage racism has caused.  Oh how His heart must break when He sees what we do to one another. 

This broken, crazy, hate-filled world makes my heart cry, "Lord come now!", but at the same time I know His heart cries that He is not willing for any to spend an eternity in hell...though sadly many will because they choose to refuse Him. 

He is the ONLY WAY folks. Our sin is on open display in the streets, and the only way to overcome it is though asking Him to forgive us. The only way for our land to be healed of this blight is for His people, His church, to humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked evil ways.  If we will do this He will be faithful to hear us and heal our land. It has to start with us - His kids. We are, after all, the ones He's poured His Spirit into.  If not us, then who....one cannot give what one does not have. 

Please don't hear what I'm not saying. I'm not saying go beat people over the head with the Bible.  I am saying LOVE people with the love of Jesus, so they can come to know Him for who He really is. 

God forgive us for the hate we sometimes let take up residence in our hearts. Eradicate it all. Help us to love everyone as You do. Give us, everyday, opportunities to show You to people, and may the needed change start with us and radiate from us. In Jesus name...Amen

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