
Showing posts from January, 2018

If you aren't enough without it...

This is a tough one for me to write, and its a long time coming.  It is something I don't talk about - ever - except in very close circles.  Like my husband close.  It has been, as I have seen it, as blight on my person...a negative.  Something that has made me less valuable as a person.  But the Lord in His beautiful way, is changing my perspective on things, and as I do, I'm sharing this journey with you - I know I'm not alone in this. There is a line in the movie "Cool Runnings" that says: "If you aren't enough without it [speaking of an Olympic gold medal], you'll never be enough with it." This line has been playing over and over in my head of late.  You see - I don't have a college degree.  I don't even have any college credits.  In this world where having a college degree has become the end all be all of human existence - or so it seems sometimes (especially if you don't have one), this fact about me has become an a

What are we pulling toward ourselves?

As I was sitting in ministry staff meeting today the Holy Spirit struck me with something (He does that sometimes 😄) that I very much needed to hear... "Sometimes God will give us what we are begging Him for, even if it is not what we are supposed to have.  Just as He gave the children of Israel the King they were begging Him for.  Maybe the thing we are begging for is down the road - we know that was the case with the Israelites, but we aren't supposed to have it yet.  If that happens (if He gives us what we are begging for) we will be "settling" for something less than perfect for us.  Are we (am I) demanding a king, when God is trying to be just that for us - our King?  Don't pull toward yourself something He doesn't have for you right now.  Settle in where He has you and be content.  Grace and favor come from - are found in - that place." While on this quest, this determined walk to pursue God's plan, purpose and call on our lives we ca