
Showing posts from October, 2018

When Your Mother's Heart Becomes the Enemy...

I have always (well, since becoming a mother) been proud of my fierce momma's heart.  I love my kids (all three: Jon, David and Ash) passionately and make no apologies for it - NONE.  After all, God gave this heart - the roots of which are in His own character.  He fiercely looks after His own ( Please read Psalm 18) . I thank the Lord for the gift of my children.  They are such blessings from Him.  That He chose me to steward their hearts leaves me in complete awe.   But, is it possible that my momma's heart could become my "enemy"?   (Enemy: something that harms or threatens someone.) Yes - I do believe it can.  As a matter of fact I do believe it has at times. "How?", you ask... If I can't release my kids into my Savior's care... If I can't entrust them to Him... If I can't say, "Thy will be done"... If I have a death-grip on my worries over them... If I can't live in peace because of all the "what-ifs&q