
Showing posts from March, 2020

I've Been "Factory Reset"

Today marks 2 weeks I have been mostly at home, and I'll admit I'm not "knocking this one out of the park". Because I am an introvert, one would think that this would be a dream come true for me - but it's not. While I enjoy being home, I do not enjoy being told I must stay home. A friend referred to it as "like being grounded by your parents" - and that is so true. We have been grounded... forced into stillness, and I don't handle that well - as a rule. We live in a, usually, fast-paced society. My husband won't even look at my calendar because of how packed it usually is. But now... crickets... nothing... and I am struggling. And if a national shut-down weren't enough... Last week I slipped down the stairs in my home and sprained my ankle - badly, then 2 days later was in urgent care with a UTI. So NOW not only am I stuck at home, but I am also stuck in a chair - a lot! ugh! Back to modified workouts - no more running. :-( Here is w