I've Been "Factory Reset"

Today marks 2 weeks I have been mostly at home, and I'll admit I'm not "knocking this one out of the park". Because I am an introvert, one would think that this would be a dream come true for me - but it's not. While I enjoy being home, I do not enjoy being told I must stay home. A friend referred to it as "like being grounded by your parents" - and that is so true.

We have been grounded... forced into stillness, and I don't handle that well - as a rule. We live in a, usually, fast-paced society. My husband won't even look at my calendar because of how packed it usually is. But now... crickets... nothing... and I am struggling.

And if a national shut-down weren't enough...

Last week I slipped down the stairs in my home and sprained my ankle - badly, then 2 days later was in urgent care with a UTI. So NOW not only am I stuck at home, but I am also stuck in a chair - a lot! ugh! Back to modified workouts - no more running. :-(

Here is where the introvert in me truly kicks in...my internal processor turns on and away we go!


As I sit and process all that is happening, I am fully convinced there is purpose behind it. There is NO WAY there isn't something to grasp in the midst of all of this. So what is it?

Here is what He has told me so far:

1) The Lord has given me a word in this season, and nearly every time I'm in His word He reminds me of it. The word is this:

"Have eyes that see and ears that hear."

Okey dokey... what am I supposed to see and hear? Yeah... exactly... I don't know yet. However, I am Looking and listening a lot more than I used to, and that is a very good thing.

2) I need to be one with Him - not merely "walking alongside Him". My thoughts, actions and processes need to be such a reflection of Him that it is difficult to tell where one stops and the other starts.

3) I need to be the whole person He created me to me - not just the bits that keep from rocking the boat, and walk fully in the call he has placed on my life.

If you have followed this blog at all you will quickly realize that the last several years have been ones of great growth in my life.  There have been significant events happen that have altered the way I do things - as significant events tend to do. I have become more of an observer than an action-taker, where before it was just the opposite.

Now, the Lord is speaking into my heart, is the time for real balance. I need to continue to observe, but I also need to be willing to "take action" when needed. For a while now I've been obediently taking the steps He gives me to take, and not doing ANYTHING without clear direction from Him. While on some level this is a good thing, there comes with this a disconnect of sorts. My motions have become almost robotic - as we are NOT robots!   How this will flesh itself out is entirely up to Him, but I'm willing to be obedient on the journey. It'll be fun to see what the next little bit holds as I jump into this, and since I'm an all or nothing kind of girl -  "sink or swim I'm diving in!"

Ok... why am I telling you all of this? You know there is a reason... :-)

I wouldn't have heard any of this if life hadn't come to a screeching halt. I was in the throes of Easter preparation when life stopped... then it would have been conference, Kid's Camp, Conference, etc.... I would have continued on a non-stop train and not come to a full-stop on my own. Now, I have plenty of time to listen.

As I have pondered this I feel like a "factory reset" has happened.  That has to be done on electronics from time to time when they become overloaded, and I feel like that is what is happening in me - a factory reset.

So my questions to you are:

What is He trying to tell you? 
What thing is He trying to draw your attention to? 
Are you listening?

This is is a gift (as hard as it is to take) that should not be disregarded.  It would be so easy to spend the time binge watching TV, but is that the best use of this gift?

My challenge to you is:

LISTEN. Have eyes that see and ears that hear. 

Have you watched the Narnia movies or read the books? When the children came back through the wardrobe after spending years in Narnia, they found that they had changed dramatically while the world had stayed the same. This time can be like that for us. We can come out on the other side different than when we went in, if we allow the Lord to do the work He wants to do in us.

The world on the other side of this virus is likely to look different than it did when we went in. That new normal will demand something new in us. This time can be seen as a season of preparation, so we are ready for what He needs us to do on the other side.

Will you join me in listening and preparing?


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