
Showing posts from November, 2020

Equal, but not the same...

It's been a while since I've made a post, and for good reason. In August I started an unexpected journey into seminary. It is one I never dreamed of, but God opened the doors in ways that only He can - so I walked through them. I'm now pursuing my Masters in Applied Bible and Theology. It has been an exhilarating and terrifying ride, but oh so good! In my first semester I'm taking the two hardest classes of my degree: Intro to New Testament and Christian Ethics. What a ride it has been! When God called me into ministry in 2000, I promptly told Him that I couldn't be in ministry because He made me a girl, and girls can't be leaders in ministry. To this He told me that I should read His word and get back to Him on the subject.  Up to this point in my life I was, as my upbringing had dictated, a strong complementarian. What exactly does that mean? defines it like this: A generally patriarchal view of the family (the father is responsible to lead,