
Showing posts from January, 2016

In this world you will have trouble...

What an encouraging thought!  Right?!?!?!? It is, however, a true story. Looking back over my life shows that I've had my fair share, and I'm transparent enough so that everyone knows when I'm in the midst of it!  I cannot tell you the number of times I've been told (usually, but not always , by friends who are done with my level of trouble - or drama...however you choose to see it) that it is "always something with me"; each time I've heard it I've wanted to apologize - but for what?  Most things that happen are outside of my control.  Do I apologize for living??? That is, essentially, what I'd be doing, and I won't go there.  I've come to accept my life as it is, and be thankful that it is NEVER boring! :-) So, yes, it is (or seems to be) "always something with me", BUT over the last few weeks I've come to realize a few things: 1) Everyone has trouble - it's not just me (or you).  Some others are just WAY better a

I Am A Promise; I Am A Possibility...

God made me to be the person He wants me to be.  There is some marring, but He is working to make me the me that is a perfect reflection of Him.  He has made me to be unique; a special blend of giftings, talents, character traits and quirks.  I am a wonderful, marvelous creation.  He has shaped me and formed me, like a clay vessel on the potter's wheel, exactly like He needs me to be.  He has known me since before I was born - every moment of my existence - both good and bad.  He has used, and is using everything I've ever been through for my good and His glory, because He is God and He is amazing like that.  He actually uses the bad to make me a whole, complete person, who reflects His image and likeness.  Therefore, I need to be the person He created me to be, because I have a unique call and purpose; I am an intricate, needed part of the body of Christ; anointed by Him, called by Him, and ordained by Him.  Everyday He continues to work in and through me, and this work makes