I Am A Promise; I Am A Possibility...

God made me to be the person He wants me to be.  There is some marring, but He is working to make me the me that is a perfect reflection of Him.  He has made me to be unique; a special blend of giftings, talents, character traits and quirks.  I am a wonderful, marvelous creation.  He has shaped me and formed me, like a clay vessel on the potter's wheel, exactly like He needs me to be.  He has known me since before I was born - every moment of my existence - both good and bad.  He has used, and is using everything I've ever been through for my good and His glory, because He is God and He is amazing like that.  He actually uses the bad to make me a whole, complete person, who reflects His image and likeness.  Therefore, I need to be the person He created me to be, because I have a unique call and purpose; I am an intricate, needed part of the body of Christ; anointed by Him, called by Him, and ordained by Him.  Everyday He continues to work in and through me, and this work makes my reflection of Him clearer and clearer.  The Lord of all creation loves me so much and knows me so well that he even knows how many hairs I have on my head.  I have nothing to worry about, because if He takes so much interest in me that He takes the time to count my hair, how much more time is He going to take to provide for me and protect me.  The God of the universe is my Father, and I am the apple of His eye.

Therefore, what can mere mortals do to me?

(Crafted from: Psalm 119:73, Psalm 139:13-14, I Peter 2:9, Isaiah 64:8, Matthew 10: 29-31, I Peter 4:10-11, Psalm 17:8, Psalm 118:6)

And guess what???  All of this goes for you too!!!

There is a lot "He, Him, and His" in the paragraph above on purpose.  He does the work because He loves us.  Its not up to us to make ourselves better for Him, AND its not the job of other people to try to make us what they think we should be either.  Us becoming a pure reflection of God is between Him and us.  The only real part we play is trusting Him to shape us and refine us, and letting HIM do the work that needs to be done.  Doing it ourselves, or subjecting ourselves to what others want, more times than not, misses the mark (of who we are truly created to be) by a mile.

Please understand that the shaping and refining process is tough, but He's always right there with us.  There is only one thing in this life we can always, 100% of the time count on, and that is that He will never leave us or forsake us.  You can trust in that.

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