In this world you will have trouble...

What an encouraging thought!  Right?!?!?!? It is, however, a true story.

Looking back over my life shows that I've had my fair share, and I'm transparent enough so that everyone knows when I'm in the midst of it!  I cannot tell you the number of times I've been told (usually, but not always, by friends who are done with my level of trouble - or drama...however you choose to see it) that it is "always something with me"; each time I've heard it I've wanted to apologize - but for what?  Most things that happen are outside of my control.  Do I apologize for living??? That is, essentially, what I'd be doing, and I won't go there.  I've come to accept my life as it is, and be thankful that it is NEVER boring! :-)

So, yes, it is (or seems to be) "always something with me", BUT over the last few weeks I've come to realize a few things:

1) Everyone has trouble - it's not just me (or you).  Some others are just WAY better at hiding it (I grew tired of seeming perfection a long time ago, and have no energy for it today).  But is hiding it good, or is it prideful?   Jesus told us in John 16:33, "In this world you WILL have trouble"; to portray something different is...well, it's deceitful (I also got over sugar-coating things a long time ago, too).  WE need our brothers and sisters in Christ to know what is happening in our world, so they can walk with us and pray us through - "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails MUCH"; if they aren't praying, this ain't happening!  We are supposed to be doing all of life together, not just the good bits - not going it alone.  It's being family - for real!

2) A lot of times we are having trouble because we have an enemy seeking to destroy us!  We can't lose sight of this.  If we do, we've dropped our guard - not a good position for a warrior to be in. If he can keep us bogged down in trouble (which is exactly where he wants us) and that is where our focus is, he has, effectively, made us ineffective for the Kingdom.  This is yet another reason it is vital we not "go it alone".  To do so, in essence (in my opinion), pushes the self-destruct button on our lives.  We were never meant to be self-sufficient - we NEED each other!  We are SUPPOSED TO BE our brother's keeper!!!

So, what am I saying?  At least where I'm concerned (and hope you start this, if you haven't already), I'm going to keep sharing all the bits of me - good, bad and ugly, because I need my (real) friends to be privy to it all.  This way they  can walk with me and pray with me; it is my sincere wish that they afford me the same privilege into their lives (that's what it is, after-all - a privilege - to get to see all of someone's heart. It should never be taken lightly).  In a world full of fake people, we need to be the genuine article.  There is much freedom in being the  (whole) person God created you to be.

The last part of John 16:33 says, "but take heart I (Jesus) have overcome the world".  Sweet!!!  All this muck and yuck, on earth, is temporary.  "It came to pass; it didn't come to stay."  I'm so thankful!  Be everything you are, and let your dear ones (if you don't have any ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern who they should be) in!

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