
Showing posts from May, 2016

Keeping it real...

I'll admit it; I'm not great at keeping it real.  My first defensive strategy, when my world seems to be falling apart, is to suck it all in, put my shields up and act like everything is good.   It is important to choose your friends wisely and truly share your life with them, because it is damaging to "go it alone" - which is what I've done so often.  For me, doing this meant two things (this is where the rubber meets the road, folks): 1) I was walking out a LIE - cause things were not good, and 2) I was walking in pride - in fine form.  Yep, pride.  What does God's Word say about pride?  Proverbs 16:18 (the verse most of us think about when we are talking about pride) "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall."  Zowie!!!  That's harsh considering what we are talking about!  Let's break down the word PRIDE:  In the Hebrew (when the word is written in English) it is: ga'own (Strong's Concordance # 1342  

I agree BUT also disagree...sortof

I have seen the above picture posted on Facebook; it's gone through my newsfeed, from one friend or another, at least a half dozen times over the last 6 months or so.  Every time I see it I cringe a bit.  The Church, in many ways, has developed for itself a BAD reputation.  Whether its protesting abortions, the Qur'an, or homosexuality.  The Church, or more specifically those in the church...Christians...those who align themselves with God (and call Jesus Savior), hurt people!  Now, before some of you start defending Believers, don't hear what I'm not saying.  I'm NOT saying every believer does this.  I do my best not to.  What I AM saying is this... The worst man-inflicted hurts I have received have come from my "fellow brothers and sisters in Christ".  This should NOT be the case, but sadly it is.  The Church should be a hospital for spiritual healing, and Believers should be the care-givers who facilitate that healing - extending God's love al