I agree BUT also disagree...sortof

I have seen the above picture posted on Facebook; it's gone through my newsfeed, from one friend or another, at least a half dozen times over the last 6 months or so.  Every time I see it I cringe a bit.  The Church, in many ways, has developed for itself a BAD reputation.  Whether its protesting abortions, the Qur'an, or homosexuality.  The Church, or more specifically those in the church...Christians...those who align themselves with God (and call Jesus Savior), hurt people!  Now, before some of you start defending Believers, don't hear what I'm not saying.  I'm NOT saying every believer does this.  I do my best not to.  What I AM saying is this...

The worst man-inflicted hurts I have received have come from my "fellow brothers and sisters in Christ".  This should NOT be the case, but sadly it is.  The Church should be a hospital for spiritual healing, and Believers should be the care-givers who facilitate that healing - extending God's love all along the way.  Instead, unfortunately, many times what happens is the exact opposite.  I know of so many people who don't share their true selves because of consequences...judgments...that are sure to come.  Again, this should NOT be the case!

My Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

We should be a vehicle for healing, prayer, restoration and love.  When we see someone who is broken we should be seeking to HELP them - the Bible says to restore them GENTLY.  We shouldn't be condemning them, judging them, rubbing it in their faces, or gossiping about them.  Again, don't hear what I'm NOT saying...I'm not saying we should ignore sin; I'm saying we should always make sure we are following the Biblical model, reflecting Jesus Christ and doing EVERYTHING  in love.

Back to the picture:
I agree with what it says...100%, but challenge you with this...
What if the person who was hurt was a baby Christian, and their roots had not  quite taken to the soil of the truth of God's Word, and they are taking their model for Christianity from other believers?  What if the person who was hurt had had personal injury after personal injury and this was the last straw?  What if the person was walking through the "valley of the shadow of death", and they were straining to hear God's voice, but could not?  My point?  You do not know (know matter how well you think you may know someone) exactly what a person is facing or the battles they are fighting or the hurts they've experienced.  Please choose your words and actions wisely, and make sure they are covered with God's love.

To my dear Brothers and Sisters who are new to the faith,

We all screw up, and do so royally - a lot.  Human beings are going to let you down - all human beings, even Believers.  We are flawed, so it's what we do.  There is One who will never let you down or screw up and is not flawed.  He is the One in whom your faith should lie.  The Bible says even Jesus didn't trust man completely because He knew what was in their hearts. (John 2: 23-25 "Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.").  Now I feel like a broken record...Don't hear what I'm NOT saying...I'm not saying "don't trust anyone"...I am saying remember we are all in the same boat.  The same capacity you have to hurt someone is the capacity everyone else has. Jesus, God the Son, is the only one who will never hurt you.  He is worthy of your hope, confidence, faith, trust and love. The closer you get to Him the more you will realize this, and the less you will be driven away by people being people.

This picture is a great example of what I'm trying to say.  It's statement, in my OPINION,  is judgmental.  If you have posted this on your Facebook wall, I'm not trying to judge (although it sure seems that way)...I'm just saying I won't be sharing it.  We can't see into the hearts of people and know exactly what is going on there - only God can do that.  Instead of pointing out the flaws, perhaps a better approach is to walk alongside.

Your kids, me included, have caused a lot of hurts to a lot of people.  Forgive us.  Also help us to love and trust You completely, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Help us to be a conduit for Your love extended and not judgement, so that we may show people who You really are.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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