Keeping it real...

I'll admit it; I'm not great at keeping it real.  My first defensive strategy, when my world seems to be falling apart, is to suck it all in, put my shields up and act like everything is good.  

It is important to choose your friends wisely and truly share your life with them, because it is damaging to "go it alone" - which is what I've done so often.  For me, doing this meant two things (this is where the rubber meets the road, folks): 1) I was walking out a LIE - cause things were not good, and 2) I was walking in pride - in fine form.  Yep, pride.  What does God's Word say about pride?  Proverbs 16:18 (the verse most of us think about when we are talking about pride) "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall."  Zowie!!!  That's harsh considering what we are talking about!  Let's break down the word PRIDE: 

In the Hebrew (when the word is written in English) it is: ga'own (Strong's Concordance # 1342  & 1346), it means: arrogancy, excellency (-lent), majesty, pomp, pride, proud, swelling.

From the dictionary (Merriam-Webster): That feeling that you are more important or better than other people.

To break down, real simply:  An attitude of: I've got this - I don't need y'all.

Uh oh!!!  This is not how God created us.  He did not make us to "go it alone".  He made us to be relational beings - to need one another.  God created Eve because He said it wasn't good for man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18).  What?  Adam wasn't alone God was physically with him everyday.  But God felt he needed someone else, so He created Eve.  Other scriptures show us, as well, the importance of having (and being friends). Y'all can look them up, if you'd like (Proverbs 11:14, 17:17, 19:20, 24:5, 27:17).  I want to take a closer look at one of these verse - to kind of drive home the point I'm trying to make here: 

Proverbs 11:14 "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."

Let's face it - when things get tough our ability to reason things out diminishes quite a bit.  At least for me, when my emotions run high, my ability to see what is truly happening all but vanishes.  I cease to think clearly, and it is very easy for me to fall into the "everyone is against me" trap.  In times like these I need level-headed folks "on my team" who can help me see things as they are - not as my emotions tell me they are.  Cause, in case you didn't know, emotions can be BIG FAT LIARS!!!  The Word says: "Whoever trust his own mind is a FOOL, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered" (Proverbs 28:26).  It also says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9).  In a nutshell: if your emotions aren't speaking God's truth, they are LYING TO YOU!  Don't trust them!

The last several months of my life have been a storm - well and truly a CAT 5 hurricane.  The enemy of my soul has been doing what he does - seeking to destroy me (1 Peter 5:8).  The attack was so heavy that there were times I was pretty sure I wouldn't survive it.  The very essence of my being was wounded to the point that it was unrecognizable - even by me.  Words were not sufficient to describe where I was and what I was going through much of the time, but thankfully I had dear friends who were willing to link arms with me and brave the storm and see me through.  Friends who new the whole story and spoke truth.  Friends who prayed me through the darkest parts.  Friends who reminded me, when I forgot, that I am anointed and called by the Most Holy God to do good work for Him.  The Lord was so close to me during this time, and many many times He showed this closeness through the words of His kids - His kids who love me.  It's safe to say, and no I'm not just being dramatic, that I wouldn't have survived this hellish storm without the love and care of my friends.

Looking back, I see what He has done for me, and the changes He is making in me.  While I'm no longer in the midst of the storm, I find I'm still recuperating.  I'm very tired from it all, but He is renewing my strength as I wait on Him.  I know I'll have a sharper image of His goodness the further up the side of the mountain I go.  I'll be able to see what He was doing more clearly the more of the big picture I am able to see.  For now, I'm trusting His hand, and am exceedingly grateful for the dear ones He brought to me to see me through.

Just yesterday I heard this song on the radio for the first time, and it fits so perfectly where I have been I had to share it with you!

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