Faithfulness is what I long for.

1 Thessalonians 5: 25 "God will make these things happen, for He who called you is faithful."

How many times have I, while looking at my uncertain future, doubted God's faithfulness?  Too many to count, sadly.  A friend of mine said to me last week (something like this - I wish I could remember the exact words), "We look back and see how big and faithful God is, but look forward and wonder if He is there at all."  This rang true in my heart, and how pitiful it is!  He has show Himself faithful over and over and over again in my life, and if, at my weakest faith times, I would just look back at my memorials to His faithfulness I would remember and my faith would be bolstered.  Instead what I usually do is ring my hands in worry and fret over the unknown.  Ugh!  What foolish behavior on my part!

If Jesus Christ loved us so much and was so faithful to us - His prize creation, His children, His friends - that He would suffer death on the cross to save us and reconcile (restore harmony between us and Him after WE decided that sin was much more appealing than relationship with Him) us to Him, so we could be with Him forever, WHY would I ever assume He would not continue to be faithful as He and I walk out this life together?  Jesus endured the worst form of death ever created by humans for ME, FOR US.  He's not going to say, after going through that, "okay I did my part now you are on your own."  He's just not going to do it.

        2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is."

There is an old song that goes something like this,

"He's been faithful, faithful to me.  Looking back His love and mercy I see.  Though in my heart I have questioned, even failed to believe...yet He's been faithful, faithful to me."

He's been faithful, and will remain faithful to us.  He's not going to change.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  When we doubt His faithfulness, it's all us - none of Him.

Lord, Your unchanging faithfulness leaves me in awe.  When life here gets hard Lord and I start to doubt you, remind me of the things we've been through and how You showed Yourself faithful to me in those times.

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