
Showing posts from July, 2016

Joy does, indeed, come in the morning!

For those of you who haven't been reading my blog over the last several months, I'll fill you in quickly... The last several months of my life have been tough - that's actually a gross understatement. While there have been times of happiness - like my firstborn's wedding, and complete healing in my body after 15 years of chronic pain (Praise the Lord!), I've also been a "pit of despair".  My world titled in a big way several months ago, and I just couldn't see how I would ever be the same again.   Throughout this time God has show Himslef to be the faithful God He is. At my darkest moments He has brought me light through His kids and His Word.  He's been nearly tangibly close, and it has soothed my aching heart in ways I can't really put into words.  Because I am a doer and planner I've been trying to figure it all out, and have been making myself "crazy" in the process...that is, until a few weeks ago (maybe about 6)...something

Persecution Can't Stop the Gospel

Below is an edited (names have been changed to protect our brothers and sisters around the world) version of the article I wrote for a local non-profit seeking to better the lives of oppressed and persecuted Christ Followers in Muslim countries.  More and more we are hearing about radical Islam, and how it is now entering our borders.  I began my research, so I would have a better idea of what the news is talking about and what our brothers and sisters face. I hope you take time to read it. Persecution for our brothers and sisters in the middle east is a real, every day thing, but like many Americans I didn’t have a real idea of what that looked like until I made the decision to dive a little deeper and research for myself what they are up against.  Disclaimer: I, by no means, claim to be an authority on the subject of Islam or their law.  This article comes from personal research to gain more clarity, which I thought I would share with you. In America we, as believers, THIN