Persecution Can't Stop the Gospel

Below is an edited (names have been changed to protect our brothers and sisters around the world) version of the article I wrote for a local non-profit seeking to better the lives of oppressed and persecuted Christ Followers in Muslim countries.  More and more we are hearing about radical Islam, and how it is now entering our borders.  I began my research, so I would have a better idea of what the news is talking about and what our brothers and sisters face. I hope you take time to read it.

Persecution for our brothers and sisters in the middle east is a real, every day thing, but like many Americans I didn’t have a real idea of what that looked like until I made the decision to dive a little deeper and research for myself what they are up against.  Disclaimer: I, by no means, claim to be an authority on the subject of Islam or their law.  This article comes from personal research to gain more clarity, which I thought I would share with you.

In America we, as believers, THINK we know what persecution is, but we really have no idea.  So instead of continuing to live like an ostrich with its head in the sand, I’ve done a little homework to gain a better understanding.  The following is part of what I’ve learned:

In one middle eastern country, the statistics are similar in others as well, the Christian population makes up about 1.6% of the country.  The majority of the population is Muslim.  Christ followers, for the most part, are the poorest in the country; usually only able to receive work as laborers or farm hands.  Although they are not Muslim, they are subject to sharia (Islamic) law – the law of the land.
Sharia law is something we’ve heard about on the news, but what does it really mean in relationship to Christ Followers in Muslim majority countries? 

It seems the most impact-ful of this law is the blasphemy law.

(The following information was obtained from Daily Times Pakistan article “Islam and the Blasphemy Law” written in November 2014. The article was written by a Muslim gentleman.)

Blasphemy is defined as a public exhibition of irreverent behavior or language toward anything sacred; for the Muslim the thing most sacred is the Prophet Mohammad.  In the case of Christ Followers this becomes a very fluid, all-encompassing thing.  So, what is the basis of this law, which carries the death penalty for offenders?

Many pro-Islam folks will tell you that the Qur’an is peaceful and doesn’t support such a penalty.  According to the article referenced above they are correct.  The hiccup comes from this:

Sharia law is based on multiple sources – not just the Qur’an.

Its sources include: The Sunnah and the hadith.  According to research neither the Qur’an nor the Sunnah support the death penalty, BUT the hadith does – most strongly.  The hadith also adds a twist to the blasphemy law by allowing it to include apostasy.  Apostasy gives the law a much broader definition allowing it to include both public and private insults against, not only the Prophet but, the whole religion.  What a wide net has been cast by this!  It is a purely subjective law with no clear boundaries, therefore interpreters of the law can use nearly any excuse to bring charges against our brothers and sisters.

For centuries other religions and governments have sought to stamp out Christianity through persecution, and it hasn’t yet had the effect they’ve desired.  (Side Note: There could be a case made for complacency stamping it out, but that's another post altogether.)  A little research will show that persecution GROWS the church, and that is happening in this middle east.  Our churches in one country, in the last month, have reported that more than 100 men and women have given their lives to Our Lord.  This decision, for most of them, means their lives are now in danger, and they are receiving threats from radical Muslims.

Our churches are going strong in spite of the threats.  They work tirelessly to reach unreached areas in the middle east, and report that many Muslim people have been touched by the Gospel for far.  Churches are being planted, missionaries are being sent and pastors/leaders are being trained.  Praise the Lord!

God is moving among His children in the middle east and lives are being won for the Kingdom – forever changed.

Multiple times I have written on prayer for these Christ Followers – our brothers and sisters – because I see the results – the answers given.  In spite of what they are up against believers are obeying the Great Commission and the Muslim community is being saved because of their obedience. 

So, what can we do here?  We need to also be obedient – on two fronts:

         - Pray for the saints, as the Acts believers prayed (Acts 4: 23-31, specifically verse 29) “And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak Your Word with all boldness.”

        - We need to fulfilling the Great Commission here!  We need to share the love of Jesus with those around us, and be “harvesters” in the field God has placed us in.

So, there you have it.  Complacency is a real threat here to Christianity, and my prayer is that we shake it off and proceed with boldness in being obedient!

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