Joy does, indeed, come in the morning!

For those of you who haven't been reading my blog over the last several months, I'll fill you in quickly...

The last several months of my life have been tough - that's actually a gross understatement. While there have been times of happiness - like my firstborn's wedding, and complete healing in my body after 15 years of chronic pain (Praise the Lord!), I've also been a "pit of despair".  My world titled in a big way several months ago, and I just couldn't see how I would ever be the same again.  

Throughout this time God has show Himslef to be the faithful God He is. At my darkest moments He has brought me light through His kids and His Word.  He's been nearly tangibly close, and it has soothed my aching heart in ways I can't really put into words. 

Because I am a doer and planner I've been trying to figure it all out, and have been making myself "crazy" in the process...that is, until a few weeks ago (maybe about 6)...something happened (it doesn't matter what) that brought me to a place where I finally, really surrendered to God my need to figure things out, and was able to relax into Him in the midst of everything.  At that moment He started to move in my life in ways I never thought possible. Just a week later, while singing Jon Egan's new song "I Will Love You" in church, He gave me a vision (yes, He still gives people visions today):

I was kneeling on the side of the mountain, just outside of my "pit of despair", covered in the caked on muck from where I had been. As we sang the bridge of the song, that talked about how we will rise up out of the darkness, He showed me standing up and all the muck breaking off and falling away. As it did I walked out of it, never to be held captive by again. Sweet freedom!!!!!  Thank you Lord!!!

A week later multiple doors threw open for me for ministry, and I am in complete awe of our Lord!  He is so much bigger than we allow Him to be in our lives.

This morning, as I was reading Psalm 30, He showed me in His Word what He has done, and I just had to share it with you all. Here are verses 1,2,11,&12:

I will exalt You, Lord, for You rescued me.
You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to You for help,
And You restored my health.
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
That I might sing praises to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give You thanks forever!

I will give You thanks forever, Lord!!!

Know He is working for you, dear ones, and loves you more than you'll ever know. He has amazing plans for you, so TRUST HIM!

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