
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Shack...again (my two cents worth)

Since posting my last blog about how God used a FICTIONAL story to speak into my life something I needed to hear (He is God, afterall, and can do as He pleases. He even used a donkey once to get the attention of someone - allowed the donkey to speak, He did), I've been seeing a lot and hearing a lot about how the book is heretical.  So we are all clear, heresy is defined as: belief or opinion contrary (in this case) to Christian doctrine (doctrine is a set of beliefs heard and taught by a church). Doctrine is where the water gets a little (or a lot) muddy.  This is because there are A LOT of doctrines floating around.  As a matter of fact each denomination, while it may be evangelical, has its own set of doctrines - much of the time the doctrines are the same on "what really counts", but there are differences none the less. This is why it is absolutely essential to KNOW what GOD'S WORD says, so you aren't taking someone else's word for His Word. I've read

"The Shack" and Papa

I don't quite know where to begin... What I am about to share is deeply personal and very fresh, but in writing this out I'm working to unpack what the Lord has given me.  I'm bringing you along for the journey, because I know I'm not alone in this. Your details may be different from mine, but the theme is the same.  None of us are exempt from the pain this life - in a sin-filled world - dishes out, and all of us need to remember that God is with us, loving us, in the middle of it.  Recently Steve and I went to see the movie "The Shack", and it had a profound impact on me; as I write this there are many emotions and thoughts coursing through my system.  It's "just a movie" you may be thinking, and that is true, but I learned a long time ago that God can use whatever He wants to use to speak to those He wants to reach.    There is some controversy surrounding the movie. After all, God the Father "Papa" is portrayed as a woman for most of