The Shack...again (my two cents worth)

Since posting my last blog about how God used a FICTIONAL story to speak into my life something I needed to hear (He is God, afterall, and can do as He pleases. He even used a donkey once to get the attention of someone - allowed the donkey to speak, He did), I've been seeing a lot and hearing a lot about how the book is heretical.  So we are all clear, heresy is defined as: belief or opinion contrary (in this case) to Christian doctrine (doctrine is a set of beliefs heard and taught by a church). Doctrine is where the water gets a little (or a lot) muddy.  This is because there are A LOT of doctrines floating around.  As a matter of fact each denomination, while it may be evangelical, has its own set of doctrines - much of the time the doctrines are the same on "what really counts", but there are differences none the less. This is why it is absolutely essential to KNOW what GOD'S WORD says, so you aren't taking someone else's word for His Word. I've read articles for and against the book, and I can't speak for or against it as I've just started reading it myself; I'll have a better opinion after reading it.  I may, but probably won't, add my two cents worth on the book, after I've read it...haven't really decided yet, but I'm reading it in the context of how it was written.  It was written as a fictional story laced to the author's doctrine in order to explain the big questions to his children.  Remembering what doctrine is, there will probably be things I believe differently from the author on. Again, this is why YOU HAVE TO KNOW GODS WORD FOR YOURSELF. If you do, you will be able to discern truth from lie. 

The movie, however, I can speak to... I thought was really good (though there were a couple of points I felt could be changed - I'd have to watch it again to be able to tell you what they were). I saw it as a story of man's need for relationship with God, of God's amazing (deep, long, wide and high) love for mankind, the realization that man is not God, and the importance of forgiveness.  All valid lessons that every believer needs to learn.  

Here are a couple of (additional) points I'd like to make:
- While I firmly believe God speaks to us in many different ways, I strongly believe all those things (if truly from God) will be backed up in scripture.  He doesn't contradict Himself - ever. 
- While it is true that God loves EVERYONE and is not willing that ANY should perish and He would love to see us all in heaven with Him one day, He WILL NEVER (even in the face of hell) force His love on any of us. He will not remove the free will He gave us, even if it means we choose an eternity separate from Him. 
- Oh that we could truly know how long, deep, high and wide His love for us truly is, and how desperately He desires relationship with us. If we truly knew, we'd want everyone to know - and therefore we'd tell them. 

Lord Jesus, may we all come to know You better everyday. 

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