
Showing posts from June, 2017

Death, Where is your sting?

"My entire body aches from mourning the deaths of my friend and her three children.  The memorial service was yesterday..." I wrote those words just a few short weeks ago.  My heart and mind have move past the depth of grief I felt that day, but the surrealness of their passing remains. I pray, when I think of them, for the husband and father left behind who is working to learn his new normal.  To have four beautiful lives stripped away so suddenly is a jarring, shocking thing.  I never want to have to experience that again.  Many people have asked me how the memorial service was, and my response is always, "horrible", but that is not the whole picture. There were moments of exquisite beauty too.  The moment that stands out the most was hearing this husband and dad declare the faith in Jesus his wife and children had, and how much they would want us to know Him.  Heather, the mom, was a friend and team-mate (she served on my worship team, and walked along-side me th

Is Praising Him Really an Option?

Psalm 148:5,13 (really you should read the whole thing) "Let every created thing PRAISE THE LORD, for He issued His command, and they came into being.  Let them all PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD.  For His Name is very great; His glory towers over the earth and heaven!" As I've been processing this Psalm this morning I've been sitting on my couch watching Pikes Peak as a storm rolls over the top of it. It's an amazing sight to behold. From where I sit I can see Garden of the Gods at the base of the mountain, and on bad weather days the red rocks light up and stand in contrast to the gray all around them. I'm reminded that the "heavens declare the glory of the Lord".  All of these things stand as a reminder to me that the Lord is, indeed, worthy of my praise, AND that my praise to Him isn't an optional thing. It is a mandate - not only to me, but TO EVERY CREATED THING.  There is no opt-out for us. Why would we ever want there to be? This scripture