Death, Where is your sting?

"My entire body aches from mourning the deaths of my friend and her three children.  The memorial service was yesterday..."

I wrote those words just a few short weeks ago.  My heart and mind have move past the depth of grief I felt that day, but the surrealness of their passing remains. I pray, when I think of them, for the husband and father left behind who is working to learn his new normal.  To have four beautiful lives stripped away so suddenly is a jarring, shocking thing.  I never want to have to experience that again. 

Many people have asked me how the memorial service was, and my response is always, "horrible", but that is not the whole picture. There were moments of exquisite beauty too.  The moment that stands out the most was hearing this husband and dad declare the faith in Jesus his wife and children had, and how much they would want us to know Him. 

Heather, the mom, was a friend and team-mate (she served on my worship team, and walked along-side me through one of the toughest times in my life). She was forever giving me a hard time, but was also forever praying for me and watching out for me.  

Bruce, the oldest, was a close friend of my youngest son. He loved to play the violin, even in my backyard while the other boys set up camp (they would be camping out that night in our yard).  His birthday is tomorrow. I had forgotten we shared our birthday until it was mentioned at the memorial service. 

I didn't know the younger two very well, but by all accounts they were as unique and loving and amazing as Heather and Bruce. 

They'll be missed terribly.

All that said I must declare..."death, where is your sting?"

Have I hurt over their deaths? Yes. 
Have I mourned deeply? Yes.  

BUT I do NOT mourn as those who have no hope. I know exactly where my friends are.  I know they are happy, pain-free, and cheering me (and the rest of us) on to be all we can be in Christ.  I also know that one day I'll be there with them.

In this I place my hope. In this I place my confidence.

How can I be hopeful in the face of tragedy?  I'm so glad you asked...

Because ... I know my Father... The Lord God Almighty. I know He keeps His promises. I Know He is trustworthy.  When He tells me He has prepared a place for me to be with Him for eternity, He meant it. I'll be joining Heather, Bruce, Megan, Scott and all who've gone before me there one day.  I know this because His Word tells us,"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you WILL BE SAVED." (Emphasis mine). 

I've done that! Have you?

His Word, His promises, are true, steady, and never-changing.  In a world full of change I'm so thankful my Father never does. 

On top of all of this here is a bit more hope:
"He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears.  He will remove forever all insults and mockery against His land and people." Isaiah 25:8

One day death, pain and tears will be no more. One day I will be with Him always. One day everything will be as it should be - forever. But until that day....

Lord, may I share You with those who need you...who are seeking you.  May I walk worthy of the call you have place on my life. In Jesus Name...Amen

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