Is Praising Him Really an Option?

Psalm 148:5,13 (really you should read the whole thing)
"Let every created thing PRAISE THE LORD, for He issued His command, and they came into being.  Let them all PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD.  For His Name is very great; His glory towers over the earth and heaven!"

As I've been processing this Psalm this morning I've been sitting on my couch watching Pikes Peak as a storm rolls over the top of it. It's an amazing sight to behold. From where I sit I can see Garden of the Gods at the base of the mountain, and on bad weather days the red rocks light up and stand in contrast to the gray all around them. I'm reminded that the "heavens declare the glory of the Lord".  All of these things stand as a reminder to me that the Lord is, indeed, worthy of my praise, AND that my praise to Him isn't an optional thing. It is a mandate - not only to me, but TO EVERY CREATED THING.  There is no opt-out for us. Why would we ever want there to be?

This scripture tells us that He issued the command that brought us into being. HE DID IT. We had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it.  We can't even keep ourselves breathing without Him (well, naturally speaking). So, should the beings He created mock Him, disobey Him, revile Him, ignore Him, try to use Him for our own purposes, or blame Him for our life's woes? 

The answer to this question is a resounding NO!

He alone is worthy of our praise (expressed thanks to or love and respect for God. Glorifying God ESPECIALLY by the attribution of His perfection). Not only did He gives us life, but He also loves us. We aren't tiny ants in an ant farm that He watches from outside a glass and has no interaction with. He wants real, personal, intimate, up-close relationship with all of us, AND has allowed us the opportunity to either enter into that relationship - or not to. Because of this, and so much more, we should praise Him, and give it with undying and undiminsihed devotion as He is the only reason we are alive. 

"Let everything that breathes PRAISE THE LORD." Psalm 150:6

Out of that undying, undiminsihed praise and devotion to Him will come the proclamation (the act of saying something in a definite way) that He alone is our salvation. 

"Sing to the Lord; PRAISE HIS NAME.  Each day proclaim the good news that He saves." Psalm 96:2

Lord, may I never mock, revile, ignore, disobey, use or blame You.  May I ALWAYS praise, adore, glorify and esteem you.  May I be a light in this present darkness.  May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart ALWAYS bless Your name. 

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