We cannot forget we have an enemy...

This seems to have become a soapbox of sorts for me - reminding my dear brothers and sisters that we do indeed have an enemy.  One who seeks to kill, steal and destroy us and everything we hold dear.  One who works - diligently - to see us become ineffective for Christ.  One who would love to see our demise.  "Over-dramatic much, Jacqui?", you may be asking.  I don't think so.

You see, I've seen this attack up close and personal.  I have been on the receiving end of it, and know it well.  It wasn't that long ago that I was in a fight to the finish with my enemy, and I believe it was - quite literally - for my life.  This I have had confirmed, to me, by one who walked with me through the battle.

When God called me into ministry, I knew there would be trials and hardships.  I've yet to hear of a minister who hasn't had them.  There have been ups and downs, hard fought battles and times I've had to will myself to put one foot in front of the other.  All that I have experienced, though, pales in comparison to where I was 2 years ago - almost to the day.

I found myself in a dark, dismal pit - stuck in the muck and mire of the situation I was in. One not of my own making.  I wasn't fond of the church, it's people, it's leaders, and I was completely sure I wanted nothing more to do with it.  I even told myself that I would NEVER be on another church staff.  (God certainly does have a sense of humor)  The hurt in my heart was so incredibly great that I just wanted to stop hurting.  I wanted to be done - completely done.  There were days that driving off the nearest mountain was way more appealing that living in the pain I was in.  I have never been there before, and can say with a great measure of certainty I will never be there again.  My enemy was actively attacking me, and I was too wounded to fight back.  But, obviously (since I'm sitting here typing this) that was not the end of my story.

The Lord knew my hurt.  He knew my situation.  He knew I was unable to fight for myself, and He was actively fighting on my behalf.  Exodus 14:14 says, "the Lord will fight for you, you need only be still."  Still was really the only thing I could do, when I wasn't screaming at the top of my lungs in pain.  How do I know He was fighting for me?  Because every single time I was completely ready to be done, one of His precious kids was there to remind me of His goodness - of His good plans for me.
They were there telling me how they were praying for me.  They were hundreds of miles away, sometimes, bringing me to the throne of grace knowing that I would receive grace to help me in my time of need.  He was absolutely fighting for me.  And every time someone stood along side me, it gave me the strength to keep standing.

And in a remarkably short amount of time I started moving forward again - inch by agonizing inch.  Then one night at church as we sang a beautiful worship song titled "I Will Love You", the Lord gave me a vision.  He showed me myself stuck in the mucky pit, and as we sang I crawled out of that pit and stood up.  When I stood, all the muck that was stuck to me from the pit broke away and fell out my feet and I was able to walk out of it.  Thank you, Lord!

All that to say, again, we have an enemy, and we can't forget.  While I was frustrated, completely, with the people in my situation, I was (and am) reminded that our fight isn't against people, and the weapons of our fight are not man-made.  Our struggle is with the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  We need discernment to know what we are up against, and if we don't have it we need to ask for it.  We need to rally the troops when we are up against it, and never think we can "go it alone".  We need to be spending time with the Father - walking close beside Him, talking to Him - so we are keenly aware of the attacks when they come.

We do indeed have an enemy, and we can't forget that.

Lord, helps us to stick close to you, and be aware of our enemy.  In that awareness help us to be still, and let You fight for us!  Help us to love all of those around us, and to remember that they are not our enemy.  Fight for us, Lord.  In Jesus Name - Amen.

I wrote above that God has a sense of humor.  The explanation for that statement is this:  I am on a church staff again, and have been for about 18 months now.  He has used this time, and continues to do so, to heal my heart more completely everyday, and grow me more and more into the person He created me to be.  I love where I am, and the people I work with everyday.  It is a beautiful, life-giving place to be, and I'm so thankful.

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