How can a cross be GOOD NEWS???

I will glory in the cross. In other words, "I declare the distinctive, significant beauty of that old rugged cross where my Savior died. For without it - had it not held my Savior - I would be completely lost."

This time of year we sing songs about the cross and read scriptures about Jesus' crucifixion and can even watch it play out before our eyes thanks to script writers. But is year I find it grabbing my heart in a new way. 

I've been reading through the gospels the last couple of months and am now in the book of John.  Three times I've read about my Savior's sacrifice and I'm about to read it again.  I am forced to look hard at what He did - all that He went through - so we could be with Him.  It was all for us... All we have to do is believe.

Throughout John the common thread is "believe". Just believe. Believe He is who He says He is.  Those who believe receive - eternal life... Light... Salvation... Healing... Freedom... And with all of that (and so much more) an amazing relationship with the creator of the whole universe.  All we have to do is believe. 

Freedom is ringing in my heart tonight. What does freedom mean? 

FREEDOM: the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

In the case of this verse - you will no longer be a slave to sin, but a member of the family - God's family.   Freedom in Christ also means freedom from bondage of all forms - and how many there are. Our enemy knows our weak spots. He knows how to hits us where it hurts. And he's sneaky about it - the great deceiver knows how to wiggle in and try to restrain us with old chains of fear, insecurity, doubt, disbelief, and yes, sometimes old sin.

BUT (how thankful I am for this), "WHOM THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED". Thank You, Lord. praise Your Holy Name!!!!

Because of His sacrifice - one He took so willingly so I can walk as His kid - I have freedom.  We sing a song at church that states,

"I'm no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God" how sweet is that? But my favorite part of the song says,

You split the sea so I could walk right through it
My fears were drown in perfect love
You rescued me so I can stand and sing
I am a child of God.


So tonight, as I sit and reflect on what I have been saved from, I do it from a place of freedom from my past. The enemy has try to ensnare me - wrap me up in past fears and doubts the past few days - but I am a child of God and as such I choose to stay free.  Afterall, the Son set me free so therefore I am free indeed.

Reflecting on His sacrifice from a place of freedom takes the focus off "poor little me" and places it on my neighbors who don't yet believe - don't yet know.

As I walk out Holy Week and prepare for the celebration of Easter, I pray that I would have opportunities to radiate His light and be the witness for Him that He has called me to be.  I work at the largest church in my city, so Easter Sunday morning we will host thousands of people.  We get to share with them the Good News we hold in our hearts.  This Good News I've shared here.  

What's the Good News?
This train-wreck of a world that we live in isn't all there is. There is freedom through the One who loved us more than Himself. He came to earth so we could know Him. He died a horrible death so we could be saved from an eternity without Him. He rose from the dead so we can have true life both here and in the world to come.  That is Good News worth sharing.

I leave this here for you...

Do you believe? Do you believe Jesus is who He says He is? He is the light. He is the Word. He is the only way.

So, yes, while the cross was a hideous way to die, I will glory it in. I will be grateful for that amazing sacrifice that leaves me speechless.  I know well what I could have been without it. I'm forever grateful.

This part I don't usually do, but I need to now.  If you are reading this and have questions or want to talk about any of it, please just let me know. I'm happy to chat with you. This Good News is for all of us.

Lord, may I radiant Your light and be the daughter You created me to be. May I be one who shares You with everyone I come into contact with through my actions and words. May I share Your Good News. Amen!

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