What Would Jesus Undo?

I'm reading this book (Grace//Truth 1.0) that is challenging my thought processes, and is constantly reminding me of a song my honey introduced me to - "What Would Jesus Undo?" (click the link below to listen). As I was putting down the book today this is how it ended, "If you show no love, no concern, no compassion, no empathy, no willingness to understand another person's point of view, you will rarely, if ever, convince them of the truth. Your attitude carries more power than you arguments... You may win the argument, but you'll probably lose the person." Losing the person is an UNACCEPTABLE outcome when we remember that the Sovereign Lord - Creator of Heaven and Earth - IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE.
My heart cries at the number of times I have gotten it so wrong. I confess that I have sinned against HIM in thought, word and deed, by what I have done and what I have left undone. Repentance starts with me. Then, and only then can I ever hope to be Christ's love extended to ALL of those HE is looking to seek and to save. How much of what I have done in "His Name" would He undo?
We, the church, have to stop condemning and starting loving - In Jesus Name! We have to be the change that needs to happen within our doors. We have to stop being afraid of what our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ my think of us or say to us and START BEING THE CHURCH everywhere we go. We have to be reaching the ALL OF THE ONES He loves. Jesus Himself said He "came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance", and we are supposed to be like Him. How much has the church done in "His Name" would He undo?
The very last paragraph of what I read today says this:
"The main problem facing the church is not that we can't win an argument. We have the Bible and logic and history on our side. The problem is that we've often failed to love people who disagree with us."
Lord, may I start doing what you would do, and not the things you wouldn't do.

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