I've written a story & and I want to share it with you...

Hi Friends,

UPDATE: I've removed the chapters of the book and just left you the Introduction and Epilogue. :-D The rest will remain a mystery until its published. Hugs! 

The last few months have been rough - a whirlwind, a roller coaster ride - not too much fun at all. But in the midst of it all He (my Father) has been there cheering me on, guiding my steps and bringing me beautiful, grace-filled encounters. He continually brings me reasons to stand in awe of Him, and the story He gave me to write (over the last few weeks) is one of those reasons.

I'm working on getting it illustrated (think Max Lucado's "Crippled Lamb" meets Pilgrims Progress) - then published, but I wanted to go ahead and share it with you here. It's not been edited yet, so my apologies to my grammar loving friends. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

My Once Upon A Time

By Jacquiline D Lochridge


Jasmine: a very fragrant flower, a symbol of elegance and grace, a GIFT FROM GOD. 

Hi, I’m Jasmine and I want to tell you my story, well, part of it. It is a story that desperately demands telling.  As I sit writing to you, I ponder…

I’m me, but not me. The same, but different. I’m a more mature, more experienced, more seasoned me than the me that entered the mist - The Great Sorrow - many, many moons ago. 
Oh the things the me of today could tell Then Me. The warnings that could be issued, the pitfalls pointed out. But would I listen? Most likely not. 
Then Me was strong-willed, ambitious, driven, and out to change the world - no matter the cost. She bulldozed through with little regard to those around her. (This truly is the stuff Disney movies are made of that I tell you of today.)
As I cast a glance back I have a catch in my throat and a skip in my heart. We are rapidly approaching the anniversary of The Great Sorrow, and I once again find myself facing my enemy. This time, though, I am no longer in the mist that surrounded me for so long. There are blue skies above me, and I can clearly see the enemy of my soul for who he is. 
Then Me would have taunted him, or worse - ignored him.  Today I rest against my Father’s side while fully armored up for the battle that has surely come. 
I’m sure by now you have questions, and perhaps the best way to answer them is to go backward to just before The Great Sorrow struck it’s near fatal blow. 


There are clear skies above me today - so many years later. I lean into Father, with the battle looming before me, completely at rest and full of confidence in him. 
I am now trained for battle - a skilled warrior.  I know when to fight, and when not to. Most of all, I know who I belong to, and what I have been gifted, called and anointed to do - as a Daughter of The Great King. 
And, as it happens often with those who have encountered The Great King after a struggle, I have been given a new name. No longer am I Jaz - the name of young upstarts who no knowledge of what they are doing, but Jasmine - Gift of God. A name fitting of a warrior princess, one completely confident in who she is because of who Father is. 


Many lessons were learned from The Great Sorrow, and sometimes the old wound reminds me that it’s there. In those times I draw closer still to Father and hug him close. As he looks at me in those moments He knows what is happening and shares in the twinges of the wound with me. We are both thankful, in those moments, for the journey we walked together to get where we are today.  We’ve grown closer, and our bond is far deeper. There is nothing that can’t be faced with him next to me - and me next to Him. 

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