
Showing posts from November, 2016

Well the elections are over but the consequences are far reaching...

I could very well be about to step up on a soap-box here, so fair warning.  I don't do this very often, but in light of events from last night and this morning I feel I must.  As I write this I'm praying for wisdom to say what needs to be said without over-stepping. Before the election (by the way - I almost never get into political discussion because they cause hurt and dissension, and I have no desire to be a part of that) I was compelled to write this post on my Facebook page:  "Looking through Facebook this morning and reading headlines has broken my heart. We have an election coming up that is fracturing our country before it even happens. As I think about it all I am struck by the fact that we have "made the bed we now lay in". We have used our God-given free will to turn our backs on our Creator, Savior, Friend. So this morning my prayer is a prayer of repentance and one for mercy. We, as believers need to look at our own hearts before we st art

Warfare in the Spotlight

Disclaimer: I stumbled upon this post from another blog I had a while ago, like 3 years ago, and wanted to post it here.  Since this was written I've experienced many more battles.  It is vital that we become skilled warriors. 1 Peter 5:8 8  Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. I got this in living color yesterday!  We most definitely have an enemy looking for a way to knock us out of the fight.  As a lead worshiper, I, along with the rest of the worship team, am on the front lines of the battle.  Yesterday morning (Sunday), I was being "punched" at every turn.  Never once was I able to gain a "firm stance".  Every time I turned around something else was going wrong.  This all started during worship rehearsal, and extended through our first service.  I had trouble singing, and things were tilted.  There was a kind-of stillness in the room like I've never experience

It all comes down to love

I've been wanting to write a new post on here for a while, but haven't had the time - or anything really to say.  We've been living day to the next for the last few months.  We've had ups and downs, goods and bads, highs and lows, etc.   Like I said life - real life.   Right now, at this very moment, it is 2:31 am on November 5th (about 2.5 months since I've written last), and I've got a lot on my heart.  Contemplating writing a book, even... My first born has a passion for the church - the Holy Church - to be in unity - as one, and we have been talking about it A LOT over the last few years.  It strikes me though, that it is impossible for different denominations or protestant and Catholics to ever get along if we can't first get along in the body of believers we've chosen to align ourselves with. I've been in church since before my earliest childhood memory.  I've been an active participant in church since I was 5; I am