It all comes down to love

I've been wanting to write a new post on here for a while, but haven't had the time - or anything really to say.  We've been living day to the next for the last few months.  We've had ups and downs, goods and bads, highs and lows, etc.   Like I said life - real life.  

Right now, at this very moment, it is 2:31 am on November 5th (about 2.5 months since I've written last), and I've got a lot on my heart.  Contemplating writing a book, even...

My first born has a passion for the church - the Holy Church - to be in unity - as one, and we have been talking about it A LOT over the last few years.  It strikes me though, that it is impossible for different denominations or protestant and Catholics to ever get along if we can't first get along in the body of believers we've chosen to align ourselves with.

I've been in church since before my earliest childhood memory.  I've been an active participant in church since I was 5; I am now 44, so nearly 40 years (WHAT?!?!) - I've seen a lot.  I've seen how a church can love on those who have no one, or have lost someone.  I've been an active participant in how the local body of Christ can be a family to those who have no family close by.  The churches I've been a part of have done a lot of great things.  They have taken us in, at our various duty stations with the Navy, and loved us...however...

I've also seen levels of hurt administered to people deeper than I ever thought possible.  I've seen betrayal, I've seen gossip tear people apart.  AND I see believers not being all they can be or sharing all of themselves for fear of what their "loving" brothers and sisters in Christ might say.  Too often I've seen people share intimate parts of themselves only to become outcast by the very people who are supposed to love them the best.

Brothers and sisters, this should not be so.  My heart breaks for what I've seen in the Church.

Is this a generalization?  Yes.  I sincerely hope (and know) that there are pockets of believers who strive for unity and reality in their local body and the Body of Christ collectively.  It is my prayer  that these pockets grow.

I've taught my boys to be the change they want to see happen around them.  That's what we all can do.  We have to start being really real human beings - warts and all - with one another, and STOP judging, condemning, casting out those who have a past or are struggling.

I've written similar articles to this one before, and I'll keep writing them until we are finally getting it.  Jesus said they (the world) will know we are His disciples by how well we love one another.  Are we really loving one another?  Paul tells us to "bear with one another in love".  It's human nature to point an accusing finger at someone else and completely ignore our own issues, but in the body of Christ we shouldn't be doing this.  We should be working out our own salvation with fear and trembling trusting that as the Holy Spirit is working on us to make us holy He is also working on our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We should be one another's cheerleaders - supporting and encouraging one another.

The fact of the matter is: time is short.  The end is getting nearer everyday.   WE NEED EACH OTHER.  The world hates us, and we face the world head on everyday.  We need a place of sanctuary, protection and peace.  A place where we can be us without fear of condemnation.  The church should be that place.  The change begins with me.  The change begins with you.

In addition to that - all of our stories are beautiful masterpieces.  All of our mess can be use for God's glory.  Our warts may be just the thing to bring someone else into a saving knowledge of Jesus.  But we have to share our stories to be able to make a difference with them.  Telling our stories allows us to show just what an amazing God we serve.  After-all, if He can make something out of my story that is unique, masterful and lovely, He can do that for you too!  He is in the business for trading in ashes for beauty!

I can already hear some of your arguments in my head (because I've actually heard them out loud)...but, Jacqui, you can't excuse someone's sin.  I'm not saying that you should.  I'm saying you should chose love; asking yourself "what would Jesus do?", and if you can't quite remember - reread the gospels to help you remember.  Jesus said they would know us by how well we love each other.  I want us to love well.

For us to ever be able to be a unified Body of Christ, we have to start unifying at home.  We unify at home by loving each other.  If we can love each other - warts and all - we will have a better chance and hope of loving the world better and sharing the TRUE love Christ with them.

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