Stay on the path...

"Stay on the path I have selected for you." - Jesus Calling today

I'm hearing this a lot from the Lord right now.  He speaks it to me through His Word, through His kids and through the writings of others.  It's become a bit of a mantra, and it really has to be because I can be a bit forgetful (and hard-headed - shocking, I know). 

As I sat down this morning to spend time with Him, He reminded me again to stay on the path He placed me on.  It's a good path; I'm amazed at it still.  Yet, there I was this week reminding God of the call He placed on my life, and wanting to strive to make things happen on my own. So He reminds me again (I'm so thankful for His unending patience with me), and says, "If you will WAIT on ME, I will renew your strength..."

"But God, my strength has been renewed!"

<<< and I ponder >>>

Oh wait, I remember just the other day when I was still a little tired from what life has thrown at me.

<<< and I ponder some more >>>

Then He says, "If you will wait on Me, I will renew your strength (I promise I will); you will (absolutely) soar on eagle's wings, you will be able to run (the race I've placed before you) and not wear out, you will be able to walk (the path I've placed you on) and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31- sort of)

And so I stand reminded...

"Stay on the path I have selected for you." I am reminded that all of the truly amazing things I've done I didn't have to strive for. (Strive: to devoted serious effort or energy - it also means: to struggle in OPPOSITION - interesting indeed)  As I look at where I've come from I can see that He has brought them to me - WITH NO EFFORT FROM ME AT ALL, and I am reminded of His faithfulness. I am reminded that His plans for me are good. 


I will stay on the path He has selected for me.

So be it Lord. 

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