All these things MUST happen...

Friends - this world's gone crazy. I stopped watching the news a while ago because it's almost never good, and, with my oldest in the military, it's just best I don't know. There are wars and threats of wars, there are wildfires and floods and earthquakes, there is violence everywhere. Yep!  This world has gone crazy.

"Well thanks for the downer, Jacqui!"  I can hear you saying that now, and it makes me smile. There is a lot of bad in this world BUT there is also HOPE!

Matthew 24 talks a lot about things like this, but it also says: 
Such things must happen...
All these are the beginning of birth pains...

Matthew 24 is a bit of a downer of a chapter, but I would challenge that it is also full of the hope we all desperately want and need today.

Yes, things are bad today, but today we are one step closer to our eternity with Him - Jesus - if we walk in relationship with Him. We are so much closer to all of the wars and famines and natural disasters and hurts and grief to be gone forever! He tells us in the Matthew 24 that the way we can know that the end is near is by all of these things happening, and He admonishes us to "stay the course", keep our focus straight on Him and stick close to His side. 

If we can stay true to Him through it all, and not walk away - no matter how bad it gets - then we WILL see the day when: 

Revelation 21:4
‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

And in all of this we will be with our loved ones (who shared our love for Him) - FOREVER! 

One day we will not have to live in a world of dread of what will happen. One day we won't ache with loss and grief. One day we will no longer have to deal with sickness and pain. One day the world will be made new and all things will be as they are supposed to be - what our hearts long for - absolute perfection. And I sign a deep sign, from the core of being, when I think of it. 

Praise him! 

I look forward to that day, when the media would have me fear all that is to possibly come. 

So I hope, and I wish that for you as well; laced in my hope is a deep sense of joy that this isn't all there will ever be. 

Let's come back to today. This world has gone crazy.  My firstborn will soon be on his 3rd deployment to parts unknown, just as the world seems to be on the brink of another war. I also have some very dear friends about to head to hotspots where the enemy is very real - not just something you see on the nightly news. My heart aches with it all, and the enemy of my soul is fighting to grip me with fear. So what do I do when real life is all too real? 

I remind my soul of who I belong to AND who my kids belong to.  They are not mine to protect - they are his.  The plans He has for me AND for them are very good.  His thoughts are turned toward us.  He's got it all; He's got us all. So I remind my soul that I intentionally, willfully, choose to trust the ONE who loves me and them far more than I ever could. 

Does this perspective change where I find myself? No, it doesn't. It does, however, change my focus on where I find myself. 

He is my hope.  He will be deploying with my son and my friends just as He will be staying here with me. He will comfort me in the night. He will replace my fears with His peace. He will do this because I am His - His daughter, His delight. AND He will be with them doing the exact same thing.

Now dear ones, I am not going to sit here and assume that you all know Him. I have many friends and social media followers from all different walks of life. So I'm going to tell you that if you are living without this hope because you don't know Him, you don't have to stay in that place. The thing that grips my heart tighter than any other thing is the idea that some of you don't know him, don't walk with Him, and may one day spend an eternity separated from Him (and me). That is a reality my heart can't take. So please, come to Him. It's easy.

To know Him and walk with Him you just have to do this:
 - Acknowledge that you have mucked things up in your life. We ALL muck things up. 
 - Confess that you have mucked things up ( sinned ) by doing things your own way. 
 - Ask Him to forgive you and walk with you as you walk with Him. 

(please let me know if you decide to do this!)

Here's the thing: God, Creator of all things, King of the universe...wants YOU!  He loves you more than you can ever comprehend. He has amazing plans for you!  Won't you please come to Him? 

Something you need to keep in mind is that the steps mention above are just the beginning. Just like any other relationship you have, the one with Him has to be cared for. You have to get to know Him, and as you do amazing things will happen in your heart.  You'll start looking like him - acting like him - loving others like Him.  Isn't that exciting?!?!  

So (because I'm practical) here are some things that will make getting to know Him easier:
 - find a good church that teaches the Bible, and go every week! 
 - read the Bible everyday (start in James - it's close to the end of the New Testament)
    - If you don't have a Bible, let me know and I'll send you one. No joke!
 - talk to him (pray). It's not hard. Just talk to Him like you would talk to a close friend. the Bible tell us He is the friend that sticks closer to us than any brother would!

As I bring this post to an end I would encourage you to remember that fear doesn't come from the Father, but rather the enemy of our souls. We can walk in peace - even in the most tumultuous of times. When you are bombarded with fear pray AND tell someone who can encourage you to remember to trust Him.  We are all in the is together!  We aren't meant to go it alone. Be there for one another. 

And so I pray:
Lord Jesus, surround us with your peace in the midst of chaos and help us to fully trust in You for all things. In Your name, Amen. 

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