Be still & let HIM fight...

Be still and know that He is God - He will be exalted!

The LORD will fight for you - you need only be still!

Everytime the LORD tells us to be still its because HE is about to do something big and HE needs us to sit on our nothing...and WATCH what HE is about to do! (Basically HE needs us to stay out of the way!)

We'll most likely have a role in the fight, but not until it's our turn. He will eventually give us the words to say or the things to do, but we must FIRST wait for HIM to fight on our behalf. 

The waiting is hard. Harder if you are a doer; harder still if you are a justice driven personality! But this waiting is a sweet spot. While "sitting on our hands" waiting for HIM, our faith us built. This is not a time of complete idleness, though. This waiting in not like sitting is the waiting room at the doctor's office where you are reading 3 month old magazines; this waiting is like that of a child waiting for Christmas! It is a time of eager expectation! We can be certain HE is going to do something BIG - because HE IS GOD (and that is what He does!) In this sweet spot of waiting we are "allowing" HIM (and only HIM) to do what needs to be done - keeping us from taking any of the credit for ourselves. 

This eager, expectant waiting is a place of trusting HIM and HIS plans, purposes and calls above our own drive, desires, dreams and ambitions. It's laying what we want at HIS feet and saying, "you gave these to me and now I give them back to you. Your will over mine." That is an act of absolute, intentional trust in the CREATOR of the universe - an act that is completely necessary in the life of every believer if we are to truly follow HIM in all things. 

In this season where all we have to do is wait, I challenge you to look for the why that is in the waiting - have eyes that see and ears that hear. Is HE wanting to do something and needs you to sit on your hands so HE can? HE could be. 

Wait in eager expectation, dear ones.

Much love.

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