Love vs Service

Deuteronomy 6:4 " LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart...soul...strength"

The word love here, when taken back to the original Hebrew, means to have affection for. Affection means a tender attachment. Attachement means to have strong feelings of loyalty for someone.

We are commanded to LOVE the Lord with our whole being; not SERVE Him with our whole being. We, very often, get the two confused; thinking we are loving Him with our service, and very readily slip into that - as a comfort zone - rather than truly loving Him.

 So, how do we truly love Him with our all?  By drawing near to Him, and walking with Him. We allow Him to speak into our lives; revealing to us both good and bad.  We tell Him about our day, and allow Him to be a part of every detail. These things allow a strong bond to form, which inevitably will create a strong sense of loyalty to Him. This, dear ones, is loving God with your ALL.

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