You Won't Relent...

There is a worship song whose lyrics state, "You won't relent until You have it all...".  It alway makes me shudder a bit, because I know there are still parts of me that aren't His, and I'm reminded that while He is a loving Father, He is also a jealous God.  He wants all of me - not just the bits I want to give over.  The song goes on to say, "my heart is Yours", and I have to ask myself, "Is it really His? All of it?"

I know I miss the mark, at times. My human nature demands its own way. It wants to do what it wants to do, and I struggle to hear the still small voice of God. So, what do I do? 

I feel certain that the 1st step is to "Be still and know that He is God." (Psalm 46:10)  our God wants us to know who He is...really know Him. Know that He wants all of us.  Then we have to be willing to let Him "search us and know us." (Psalm 139:23-24) Let Him search us, know us and show us the things that aren't His. IF we truly do this, He WILL show us what we need to give over. If/when we ask, we need to be prepared for Him to do what we've asked - cause He's going to. When He shows us things, we have to be willing to make the needed changes knowing He is there to help us.

As we do this we will become more and more His, until, eventually, our hearts will be completely His. We have to know, however, that we cannot do this on our own. We have to be fully submitted to Him; allowing Him to do whatever He chooses to do. Malachi 3:3 says, He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. We are silver, precious to Him, and He wants us to be pure, shining silver with no imperfections. The only way this can happen is if we submit ourselves to His care, and allow Him to do want He wants.

This is a tall order and a lot of times its exceedingly painful, but we can be certain that if we allow it to happen we will be much better off in the long run.

Lord, help me to submit to Your loving refinement, so I can truly be a reflection of You.

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