The Pain is REAL...

I wrote this right before my firstborn (at age 17) left for the Navy.  The grief of that time hit me like a ton of bricks, and I’ve never experienced anything like it before.  Today, three and a half years later, I find myself in a completely different, grief-laden experience.  As I read these words again, they still ring true so I’m sharing them with you...

In the midst of our happiness and making of memories lurks the knowledge that something dreadful is about to (or has already) happen. It is always there, that deep grief, reminding you that it has not gone away and will not go away. It strives to steal the joy out of every moment, leaving you with a pain that is unique and abiding. As it peeks at you, from its hiding place, you are presented with a choice of what to do. Will you continue to gaze at it and allow yourself to be sucked into its darkness? Or will you turn your face away, slip your hand into the hand of your Father and keep walking forward.

I'm not suggesting you ignore it, if you did it would never go away. I'm suggesting you place your full confidence and trust in the only One able to see you through this time; a time which is unlike anything else you've ever experienced.  He alone is able to banish the grief from your heart - you have to trust Him. While it does take strength to do this, mostly it takes willingness to rest completely in the arms of the Lover of your soul. He's been where you are, and knows intimately the excruciating pain you feel. He holds you close, and cries each tear with you. If you look closely around you, during this time, you will see how He has met your needs.   Watch for Him - He is there acting on your behalf through the hug of a dear one, a word of encouragement, a scripture you read at just the right time. Rest in the promise "I will never leave you or forsake you.". At no time will you ever be left to walk this journey alone.

Put your hand in His. Lift your eyes to His face. Walk forward.

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