
Showing posts from 2016

Well the elections are over but the consequences are far reaching...

I could very well be about to step up on a soap-box here, so fair warning.  I don't do this very often, but in light of events from last night and this morning I feel I must.  As I write this I'm praying for wisdom to say what needs to be said without over-stepping. Before the election (by the way - I almost never get into political discussion because they cause hurt and dissension, and I have no desire to be a part of that) I was compelled to write this post on my Facebook page:  "Looking through Facebook this morning and reading headlines has broken my heart. We have an election coming up that is fracturing our country before it even happens. As I think about it all I am struck by the fact that we have "made the bed we now lay in". We have used our God-given free will to turn our backs on our Creator, Savior, Friend. So this morning my prayer is a prayer of repentance and one for mercy. We, as believers need to look at our own hearts before we st art

Warfare in the Spotlight

Disclaimer: I stumbled upon this post from another blog I had a while ago, like 3 years ago, and wanted to post it here.  Since this was written I've experienced many more battles.  It is vital that we become skilled warriors. 1 Peter 5:8 8  Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. I got this in living color yesterday!  We most definitely have an enemy looking for a way to knock us out of the fight.  As a lead worshiper, I, along with the rest of the worship team, am on the front lines of the battle.  Yesterday morning (Sunday), I was being "punched" at every turn.  Never once was I able to gain a "firm stance".  Every time I turned around something else was going wrong.  This all started during worship rehearsal, and extended through our first service.  I had trouble singing, and things were tilted.  There was a kind-of stillness in the room like I've never experience

It all comes down to love

I've been wanting to write a new post on here for a while, but haven't had the time - or anything really to say.  We've been living day to the next for the last few months.  We've had ups and downs, goods and bads, highs and lows, etc.   Like I said life - real life.   Right now, at this very moment, it is 2:31 am on November 5th (about 2.5 months since I've written last), and I've got a lot on my heart.  Contemplating writing a book, even... My first born has a passion for the church - the Holy Church - to be in unity - as one, and we have been talking about it A LOT over the last few years.  It strikes me though, that it is impossible for different denominations or protestant and Catholics to ever get along if we can't first get along in the body of believers we've chosen to align ourselves with. I've been in church since before my earliest childhood memory.  I've been an active participant in church since I was 5; I am

So much to say....

I realized this week that it's been a while since I posted anything.  A LOT has been happening y'all!  I'm now working full-time at one of the local school districts as a paraprofessional (teacher's aid to the old schoolers) AND working at our church as set-up coordinator for the meal we serve to our volunteers each week.  Next month I start leading a women's small group titled "She's Got Issues". I'm super excited about it!  (If you live where I do, and are interested, I'd love to have you join us). Let's get really real for a sec... After resigning my position at my former church (where I was a pastor on staff), I wasn't sure I ever want to be on another church staff.  The strain it can put on a family is nothing to joke about.  God, however, had other plans for me and mine and I just have to tell you about it. When we moved to our new church, where we are confident God wants us (it is so amazing how He orders our steps), I new I

Joy does, indeed, come in the morning!

For those of you who haven't been reading my blog over the last several months, I'll fill you in quickly... The last several months of my life have been tough - that's actually a gross understatement. While there have been times of happiness - like my firstborn's wedding, and complete healing in my body after 15 years of chronic pain (Praise the Lord!), I've also been a "pit of despair".  My world titled in a big way several months ago, and I just couldn't see how I would ever be the same again.   Throughout this time God has show Himslef to be the faithful God He is. At my darkest moments He has brought me light through His kids and His Word.  He's been nearly tangibly close, and it has soothed my aching heart in ways I can't really put into words.  Because I am a doer and planner I've been trying to figure it all out, and have been making myself "crazy" in the process...that is, until a few weeks ago (maybe about 6)...something

Persecution Can't Stop the Gospel

Below is an edited (names have been changed to protect our brothers and sisters around the world) version of the article I wrote for a local non-profit seeking to better the lives of oppressed and persecuted Christ Followers in Muslim countries.  More and more we are hearing about radical Islam, and how it is now entering our borders.  I began my research, so I would have a better idea of what the news is talking about and what our brothers and sisters face. I hope you take time to read it. Persecution for our brothers and sisters in the middle east is a real, every day thing, but like many Americans I didn’t have a real idea of what that looked like until I made the decision to dive a little deeper and research for myself what they are up against.  Disclaimer: I, by no means, claim to be an authority on the subject of Islam or their law.  This article comes from personal research to gain more clarity, which I thought I would share with you. In America we, as believers, THIN

Faithfulness is what I long for.

1 Thessalonians 5: 25 "God will make these things happen, for He who called you is faithful ." How many times have I, while looking at my uncertain future, doubted God's faithfulness?  Too many to count, sadly.  A friend of mine said to me last week (something like this - I wish I could remember the exact words), "We look back and see how big and faithful God is, but look forward and wonder if He is there at all."  This rang true in my heart, and how pitiful it is!  He has show Himself faithful over and over and over again in my life, and if, at my weakest faith times, I would just look back at my memorials to His faithfulness I would remember and my faith would be bolstered.  Instead what I usually do is ring my hands in worry and fret over the unknown.  Ugh!  What foolish behavior on my part! If Jesus Christ loved us so much and was so faithful to us - His prize creation, His children, His friends - that He would suffer death on the cross to save us and

Keeping it real...

I'll admit it; I'm not great at keeping it real.  My first defensive strategy, when my world seems to be falling apart, is to suck it all in, put my shields up and act like everything is good.   It is important to choose your friends wisely and truly share your life with them, because it is damaging to "go it alone" - which is what I've done so often.  For me, doing this meant two things (this is where the rubber meets the road, folks): 1) I was walking out a LIE - cause things were not good, and 2) I was walking in pride - in fine form.  Yep, pride.  What does God's Word say about pride?  Proverbs 16:18 (the verse most of us think about when we are talking about pride) "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall."  Zowie!!!  That's harsh considering what we are talking about!  Let's break down the word PRIDE:  In the Hebrew (when the word is written in English) it is: ga'own (Strong's Concordance # 1342  

I agree BUT also disagree...sortof

I have seen the above picture posted on Facebook; it's gone through my newsfeed, from one friend or another, at least a half dozen times over the last 6 months or so.  Every time I see it I cringe a bit.  The Church, in many ways, has developed for itself a BAD reputation.  Whether its protesting abortions, the Qur'an, or homosexuality.  The Church, or more specifically those in the church...Christians...those who align themselves with God (and call Jesus Savior), hurt people!  Now, before some of you start defending Believers, don't hear what I'm not saying.  I'm NOT saying every believer does this.  I do my best not to.  What I AM saying is this... The worst man-inflicted hurts I have received have come from my "fellow brothers and sisters in Christ".  This should NOT be the case, but sadly it is.  The Church should be a hospital for spiritual healing, and Believers should be the care-givers who facilitate that healing - extending God's love al

Wait for it...

“Be still, and know that I am God.      I will be exalted among the nations,      I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10) I've read this verse many times - even memorized it!  I use it to calm myself when life seems to be getting out of control. But something dawned on me the other day, about this verse, that I want to put out there for you to chew on a bit. We are told a few different places to "be still" in the Lord's presence, and I always associated that with realizing the holiness of God and being in awe of Him.  Allowing the stillness to come over me in a way that entirely blocks everything else out.  The world fades in the distance as I approach the throne-room of God.  All of this is true, and should happen. But there is MORE! The verses that speak on this don't end at "be still".  Let's take a look: Zechariah 2:13 (NLT) Be silent (or still), all flesh, before the  Lord , for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling. E

Loving God = Obedience

How do we show God that we love Him - truly love Him?  We obey Him when He speaks to us - we obey His Word. Now, before we go further...This is not a legalistic form of obedience.  Not like "obeying the law of the land", so we won't get in thrown into prison.  Our obedience should be a natural out-flow of our love for Him.  We love Him because He first loved us. In order to be obedient we have to listen to Him.  Listening requires us to know His voice.  The Word says, "My sheep hear my voice and they know me and follow (obey) me."  His kids do what He tells them to do. Obedience - to obey - is NOT an acceptable word these days.  Its almost always seen by the world today as a "four letter word".  Even in the context of insisting on obedience from our children, it is seen as a bad word.  If I had a dollar for every time I was looked at like I'd sprouted another head for using it, I'd have a tidy nest egg set aside.  We, as a people,  do not